Request for Proposals

CareFirst is expanding access to economic development and educational opportunities to improve social support; minimizing barriers to accessing care and social services; and addressing essential environmental conditions that shape health in neighborhoods.

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Help is Here

Health is driven not by medical care, but by social, economic and environmental factors that can create obstacles to good health. To break down barriers and address our community’s basic needs, CareFirst has partnered with findhelp, a tool that connects individuals, families and friends to free or low-cost resources. Whether for you or someone else, search anonymously for financial assistance, transportation, legal services and more.

Help is here

Upcoming Funding Opportunities

CareFirst is committed to meeting the health and social needs of our members as well as individuals and families within our service area who are underinsured or uninsured.

Healthcare Transformation

CareFirst is making smart investments, building strong partnerships and addressing the toughest health challenges to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

CareFirst and Health Equity

CareFirst is focused on removing obstacles to health, such as poverty and discrimination, to advance health equity in the communities where we live and work.

We are advancing health equity through:


Data Collection &


