Healthcare Providers

Audio-Only Visits

Audio-only teledentistry is covered when the patient is unable to participate in an audiovisual visit in lieu of an in-person office visit. Dental providers should use D0190 with D9995 for audio-only dental telehealth visits.

Detailed information for how to bill for telemedicine visits can be found in the telemedicine section of this resource center (see the Dentists tab).

COVID-19 Vaccine Administration

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has amended an emergency declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act to authorize additional providers, including dentists and dental students, to vaccinate patients for COVID-19 nationwide. The final authority does rest with each individual state. Currently, dentists who practice in Maryland and Virginia may act as COVID-19 Vaccine Administrators, once they successfully complete training on the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.

Dentists who have met these qualifications are advised to use the appropriate medical diagnosis codes listed below in alignment with the specific COVID-19 vaccine dose administered when submitting the claim to their patient’s medical plan using the HCFA-1500 form*. If a claim is received by the patient’s CareFirst dental plan, a denial will be returned with the remittance referring the provider to the patient’s medical plan for billing.

*For FEP PPO Standard and Basic Option plans, dentists should use the appropriate dental CDT codes on the most current 2019 © American Dental Association claim form when submitting the claim to their patient’s FEP medical plan.

CDT Code CPT Code Vaccine Administration Code(s) Manufacturer/Vaccine Names Vaccine Names
D1701 91300 0001A
(1st dose)

Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine administration – first dose
(SARSCOV2 COVID-19 VAC mRNA 30mcg/0.3mL IM DOSE 1)

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine 
D1702 91300 0002A
(2nd dose)

Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine administration – second dose
(SARSCOV2 COVID-19 VAC mRNA 30mcg/0.3mL IM

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
D1703 91301 0011A
(1st dose)

Moderna Covid-19 vaccine administration – first dose
(SARSCOV2 COVID-19 VAC mRNA 100mcg/0.5mL IM

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
D1704 91301 0012A
(2nd dose)
Moderna Covid-19 vaccine administration – second dose
(SARSCOV2 COVID-19 VAC mRNA 100mcg/0.5mL IM DOSE 2)
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
D1705 91302 0021A
(1st dose)

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine administration – first dose
(SARSCOV2 COVID-19 VAC rS-ChAdOx1 5x1010 VP/.5mL

AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
D1706 91302 0022A
(2nd dose)

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine administration – second dose
(SARSCOV2 COVID-19 VAC rS-ChAdOx1 5x1010 VP/.5mL

AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
D1707 91303 0031A
(single dose)

J&J/Janssen Covid-19 vaccine administration

Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine

Testing Information

CDT Code CPT Code Nomenclature Submit To…
D0604 87426 antigen testing for a public health related pathogen, including coronavirus

Patient’s Medical Plan, using the appropriate medical diagnosis codes

D0605 86328 antibody testing for a public health related pathogen, including coronavirus Patient’s Medical Plan, using the appropriate medical diagnosis codes
D0606 87635 molecular testing for a public health related pathogen, including coronavirus Patient’s Medical Plan, using the appropriate medical diagnosis codes


As dental offices reopen for comprehensive care, CareFirst will continue to cover telehealth visits for problem-focused dental evaluations and follow ups using the teledentistry code for synchronous visits (D9995). Detailed information for how to bill for telehealth visits can be found in the telemedicine section of this resource center.