Cybersecurity Roadmap: Tips To Keep You Safe On Your Digital Journey

Cybersecurity RoadmapThe more connected we become in today’s digital world, taking steps to safeguard ourselves is more critical than ever. That’s why staying informed and taking proactive measures to keep potential threats from becoming real problems is essential—for all of us.

At CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst), we’re passionate about protecting you, our communities and healthcare by maintaining the highest security standards; however, we can’t do it alone. When it comes to cybersecurity, we all have a role to play, and we all need to do our part.

The cybersecurity tips below are just a few simple steps you can take to protect yourself in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

  • If you connect it, protect it. Protect all devices that connect to the internet from viruses and malware, including computers, smartphones, gaming systems and other web-enabled devices.
  • Do not unsubscribe from mailing lists you did not subscribe to. Spam emails use the “unsubscribe” option to see if your email address is active. Instead, go directly to the site to unsubscribe.
  • Update passwords regularly and avoid using guessable information. Create a strong, unique password for each online account you create. Our recommendation for a strong password would be a minimum of twelve (12) characters, including:
    • one lower case
    • one upper case
    • one numeric
    • one special character
  • Instead of a password, consider using long pass-phrases when securing sensitive data. For example, “I love the Orioles” could be turned into the pass-phrase: IL0v3the0ri@l3s. Choose a phrase that’s easy to remember and has meaning to you.
  • Verify requests for information. Before providing any personal or sensitive information via email, text message or telephone, verify the legitimacy of the request. Contact the company or individual directly.
  • Regularly update your operating system, antivirus software and other applications.
  • Never send business-related emails to your personal email address. Never transmit sensitive data through unsecured email.

For more tips on keeping your cyber footprint on a safe path, or for more on how CareFirst is working to protect you and your personal information online, visit our cybersecurity page.